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Biggie Bag Surf Mat 'Back'

Sale price $350.00

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Only 1 in stock

Model: Biggie Bag

The Biggie Bag: For those who want more bag for their buck.
This mat is designed for the larger surfer and offers more length, width, and volume than the SWD or FB. The 5 beam setup allows the mat to maintain its wider outline and reduces overall flex. 
The Biggie Bag is an excellent "all-rounder" mat comparable to the Fun Bag.

Design Notes:
-Flat Elastic Rocker with concave bottom
-5 beam setup for less flex and more width
-Wheezer internals with added ventilation at nose and tail

Handmade in Florida by Logan Moore, Nebula Surfcraft!

Sizes: S, M, L, XL 
Small (Up to 5'9"), Medium (5'9" - 6' 1”), Large (6'2" +), XL - Big & Tall


Mats $350

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