The Pod Racer.
My take on an extremely user friendly performance fish. This board is an east coast daily driver and board your going to want to have in the car at all times! The Pod Racer is a must have for anyone rocking up to their local sandbar/beach break in the knee to head high range. I have taken some classic elements from my fish and mashed it up with my Fully Auto small wave performance board. I make the Pod Racer with a bit fuller outline and thinner foil. It is setup primarily as an upright twin fin plus trailer but it can be ridden as a thruster or even be ordered as a five fin setup to rock as a quad. The wide point is placed a touch forward of center. Low entry and moderate exit rocker are key to the Pod Racer design. There is no beak in this fishy little rocket and it carries/hides its volume in the center under your chest flowing back into a thinner mini swallow.
Ride this board at or below your height to keep it ripping or size it up for an easy paddling machine! The Pod Racer has medium rails (but can be adjusted to your personal flavor). Bottom contours are a DEEP single concave moving into double through the fins and tail. Size ranges from 5’ up to 6’6”. Hop on the Pod Racer today and accelerate your small wave fun.
Boards start at $1050